Spring Seminar of The Finnish Rorschach Association
March 22, 2021, on Zoom
Alessandro Crisi, Psy.D. (Italian Institute of Wartegg, Rome, Italy)
Time: March 22, 2021, from 9:00 to 16:00
Place: Online (Zoom)
Fee: 80 € for FRA members, 130 € for non-members (VAT 0%)
Registration: Registration is open to members of The Finnish Rorschach Association, as well as members of the Danish, the Swedish and the Norwegian Rorschach Society, the Therapeutic Assessment Institute, as well as other psychologists working in
evidence-based personality assessment. Please send an e-mail to our treasurer, Joona Suominen, by March 15, 2021. E-mail: joona.suominen@icloud.com. After registration, you will receive an invoice including a reference number for payment.
The Wartegg Drawing Completion Test (WDCT) is a projective drawing technique that can be completed in 5 – 10 minutes and is appropriate for children, adolescents, and adults. It is easy to administer and not overwhelming for clients to complete. A recent meta-analysis (Grønnerød & Grønnerød, 2012) attests to its reliability and validity in assessing personality and psychopathology.
The test was also recently recognized as a valid performance-based personality test that can be used for certification in Stephen E. Finn’s Therapeutic Assessment (Therapeutic Assessment Institute).
Created in 1926 by the German psychologist Ehrig Wartegg (1897 – 1983), the WDCT consists of eight boxes, each containing an ambiguous mark. The client completes each box by making a meaningful drawing that incorporates the mark in that box.
The Crisi Wartegg System (CWS) is a new methodology for using the WDCT that rigorously scores and interprets the drawings of the clients. Psychologists in Italy, Japan, Scandinavia, South America and, more recently, in the United States frequently use the CWS in psychological assessments. It is also a selection tool of the Italian military. An English manual for the method, including a broad overview of reliability and validity research, was published in 2018.
The goal of this one-day introductory one-day seminar is to give participants an understanding of some of the main principles of administration, coding and interpretation of the CWS. Similitudes and differences between the CWS and the Rorschach will also be discussed, as well clinical illustrations of these methods in evidence-based personality assessment.
(including one 15 min break in the morning and in the afternoon, as well as a lunch break at 12:00 – 13:00)
Time Content
09:00-10:30 Introduction to the CWS – Some hints on CWS administration and the
scoring system
10:45-12:00 The main diagnostic indices of the CWS structural summary – Some
13:00-14:30 Similitudes between the CWS and the Rorschach – Clinical cases using the Rorschach and the CWS together
14:45-15:45 A clinical case
15:45-16:00 Discussion and questions
Alessandro Crisi, Psy.D., is an Italian psychologist who lives in Rome, where he works as a private professional, psychodynamic psychotherapist, and founder and President of the Italian Institute of Wartegg (Rome). Dr. Crisi has worked as Consultant for the Italian Armed Forces since 1999 and as Adjunct Professor at Sapienza University, Rome (1999 – 2018), as Visiting Professor at GSPP of Denver University (Colorado, USA), and at UDEM, Universidad de Mexico, Monterrey, MX. Dr. Crisi is also Member of the Board of Assessors of Rorschachiana, and Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Rorschach Congresses, 2011 and 2022.
Dr. Crisi’s career has mainly developed in three different fields: teaching, psychotherapy, and assessment. Although he is a psychodynamic psychotherapist, Dr. Crisi currently works predominantly with assessment in the clinical, forensic, selection and career guidance fields. Dr. Crisi has worked predominantly with performance-based personality tests and above all with the Wartegg Drawing Completion Test (WDCT). He has dedicated a large part of his career to developing
a new, evidence-based methodology for using the WDCT: the Crisi Wartegg System (CWS).
The CWS has been used in a wide range of fields of the assessment. Since 2002, the Armed Forces of Italy use the CWS as a standard assessment tool in their Selection and Career Guidance proceedings.
Dr. Crisi is the author of The Crisi Wartegg System (CWS): Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation, Routledge, New York, 2018. He is also the author of “Manuale del test di Wartegg” (“Handbook of the Wartegg test”) published by E.S. Ma.Gi and co-authored with Bianchi F., and Di Renzo, M., as well as “Il test di Wartegg nell’età evolutiva” (“The Wartegg test in developmental age”) published by E.S. Ma.Gi. Dr. Crisi is also the author numerous articles and book chapters.