: Clinical, Conceptual, and Empirical Developments.
With the publication of the present volume, we are even more indebted to Dr. Kleiger for the single best introduction to a century of theory and research on applications of the Rorschach to an understanding of disordered thinking. Of particular importance in this regard is his inclusion of recent cutting-edge applications of the technique such as the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) and abbreviated card set methods. Yet what is most significant about the book is that it is not simply an updated, second edition of his earlier work. Rather, it has been an occasion for reexamining and deepening his analyses of a host of critical issues, For example, he offers readers a multidimensional conception of disordered thinking, moves beyond the focus of Rorschach scores to an appreciation of their linkage to a host of psychological, psychoanalytic, developmental, and neuropsychological concepts, and suggests more sophisticated clinical applications of the Rorschach to the diagnoses of psychotic conditions. Supplanting its predecessor, Dr. Kleiger’s new work is now the essential reference for researchers and clinicians with serious interest in the Rorschach and the study and treatment of disordered thinking. ur förordet av Martin Leichtman